Without data Suspicious Observers If you ignore the data If Facts Alarm You


9/17,18 Day 9) Small Quiz on Ch. 6. History of Normal Models.(Galton Board). 
Normal Probability Plot.
9A - Assignment 9:
A) Submit completed class notes for 9D pages 1 and 2.
B) get a head start on A10 (Due Sunday night)
C) Review for BIG TEST nexst Tue/Wed
Enrichment: In 1733 Abraham de Moivre, drawing on the work of Jacob and Nicolaus Bernoulli, calculus, and the underlying structure of Pascal's Triangle, demonstrated how a set of random drawings would distribute themselves around their average value. De Moivre's distribution is know today as a normal curve. It makes it possible to evaluate the probability that a given number of observations will fall within some specified bound around a true ratio.
Why pi is in the normal distribution.

9/16 Monday Day 9M) Drawing Normal Models and the Empirical Rule.
Ch. 6 Quiz next class (primarily Ch.6)
9M - Assignment 9M:
A) Complete page 2 of the class notes (we will finish page 1 next class).
B) pg. 131-133 / 25, 26 (25,26 draw the entire model), 31, 32, 44 (draw individual curves and show z score calculations).
C) Read Ch.6 to prepare for a small quiz on Ch. 6 Tue./Wed.

09/12,13 Day 8) Journey to Mathmagic Land to discover the power of the Normal Model. Know the cereal example pages 121-123.
8A - Assignment 8:
A) Complete and submit the class notes.
B) p.129-133 / 7, 9, 10, 38, 40, 45 (draw Normal curves for each part of 38,40,45)
Remember N(100, 16) means the mean = 100 and standard deviation = 16 for your z-score calculations.
C) Read pages 116-123.
D) Begin preparing for a quiz on Ch. 6 next Tue/Wed.
Z scores to Percents

9/10,11 Day 7) Quiz Chapters 4 and 5. You can compare apples n oranges!
If you use the standard deviation as a ruler.
Begin Ch. 6 Measuring with Standard Deviations. Z-score practice.
7A - Assignment 7:
A) Complete and submit the class notes.
B) p.129-130 / 3, 6, 11, 12, 16, 18, 22.
C) Read pages 104-111.
Enrichment: Check out the official decathlon scoring tables and the theory behind them.
Who is the taller person

09/09 Mon. Day 6M) Review for Quiz next class (Primarily on Chapters 4 and 5).
6M - Assignment 6M: Warm Up: Make corrections to A5_B,
A) Complete the in class problems.
B) Complete the Exit Ticket Vocabulary Review. 
C) Complete the Decathlon Investigation handout – both sides
D) Review for Tue/Wed Quiz. Study your class notes (concepts/vocab), assignments, and review Chapters 4 and 5 of our book (you can ignore Re-expressing Data pgs 89-91). The quiz will focus primarily on displaying quantitative data and describing distributions numerically but everything covered so far is fair game.

09/05,06 Day 6) Investigate a measure of spread to complement the mean.
Decide when to use which measure of center and spread.  Calculators are for calculating aren't they? Learn to find all or our summary statistics with the calculator! Review for Quiz next Tue/Wed. (Primarily on Chapters 4 and 5).
6A - Assignment 6:
A) Edpuzzle – Standard Deviation Theory
B) pages 75-78 / 48,50 (no reports, just write a few sentences) pages 95-100 / #7, 28, 30.
C) Complete the Decathlon Investigation handout –side 1
D) Review for Quiz next Tue/Wed. Study your class notes (concepts/vocab), assignments, and review Chapters 4 and 5 of our book (you can ignore Re-expressing 8Data pgs 89-91). The quiz will focus primarily on displaying quantitative data and describing distributions numerically but everything covered so far this year is fair game.
for newer TI84 users: If your 1-Var Stats input asks for Frequency and you want it to be 1. Then just hit clear and enter.
Enrichment: Advantages of the mean deviation, standard deviation proof, and
Why divide by n-1
Denmark: No More COVID Vaccines Offered for Under-50
What does Pfizer's data on 8 mice say about risk/reward of the Bivalent Omicron Booster?
Dr. Paul Offit on mouse data.
UCSF Dr. & Professor Vinay Prasad discusses risk/reward for bivalent (Omicron) boosters.
Part 1 and Part 2

09/03,04 Day 5)  Figure out how to describe the distribution of quantitative data numerically. Be able to calculate 5-number summaries and create boxplots. What can a time plot tell you that a histogram cannot? Investigate the El Nino Southern Oscillation. 
5A - Assignment 5:
A) complete and submit pages 1 and 2 of the class notes 
B) handwritten on a separate piece of paper complete the following 3 parts:
1. Complete the penny problem from class.
2. Think of and list 3 time series that exhibit seasonal 
          variation. Be sure to describe the cause (or potential
          cause) of the seasonal variation.
3. Pg. 72-76 / 6, 8, 10, 42, Pg. 101-102 / 36

C) Join our AP Section on your College Board Account if you didn't last week.

08/29,30 Day 4) Quiz on Part I Chapters 1,2,3.  Then continue to investigate ways of displaying quantitative data. The nuances of creating stem-and-leaf displays. Histograms with the calculator and the importance of proper bar width. 
Assignment 4: Handouts and Submissions for parts A, B, and C through Schoology
Read your book up to page 52.
A) complete the Edpuzzle
B) complete and submit the class notes
C) complete and submit Pg. 72-75 / 5, 7, 9, 32 
D) Join our AP Section on your College Board Account
(see Schoology message)

08/27,28 Tue/Wed Day 3) Explore Simpson's Paradox. Review for Th/Fri quiz on Ch. 1-3. Review of Independenc/Association of Real World Data.
3A Assignment 3:
A) (in class) Edpuzzle: check for understanding - book review Ch. 1-3.
B) Study for quiz on Chapters 1-3 Th/Fri
                1) Read you book chapters 1-3.
                2) Review the Think, Show, Tell format in the Step-By-Step
                    Example pg. 31-32.
                3) study your class notes and vocabulary
                4) review your assignments
C) Start Day 4 Th/Fri notes if you want using the Edpuzzle in the Day 4 Schoology folder.
Real life example of Simpson’s Pardox with COVID-19 data 12:48-14:55
Does the FDA think these data justify the first full approval of a covid-19 vaccine?
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Children Obligate Action (lots of links for more information)
Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (pdf)
UCSF Dr. & Professor Vinay Prasad discusses risk/reward for bivalent (Omicron) boosters
According to the CDC, "education and messaging to help individual persons understand their risk for medically significant illness complements recommendations for prevention strategies based on risk."
Do masks interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses? What story does the data tell? Use your AP Statistics tools to evaluate the data. Interview with lead author.
Dr. John Campbell discussion of the paper and appology.
College name and vaccine mandate information.

08/26 Monday Day 3M) Review segmented bar charts to determine independence/association of two categorical variables, evaluate the Investigative Task, and review for quiz Th/Fri.
3M Assignment 3:
A) (in class) Watch the Edpuzzle instructions on how to self-assess assignments. Then self-assess 2A_B Smoking and Education in Schoology.
B) (in class) Submit completed rubric review of your partner's Independenc/Association of Real World Data in Schoology.
C) Do pg. 37-43 / problems 15, 16, 22, 36.
D) Study for quiz on Chapters 1-3 Th/Fri
1) Read you book chapters 1-3.
2) Review the Think, Show, Tell format in the Step-By-Step Example pg. 31-32.
3) study your class notes and vocabulary
4) review your assignments

08/22,23 Th/Fri Day 2) Displaying and Describing Categorical Data, Take a trip on the Titanic. Investigate contingency tables, conditional distribution, and segmented bar charts, and independence/association between categorical variables. Titanic - Does chance of survival depend on ticket class? COVID-19 - Does chance of survival depend on age?
 Assignment 2: Submit parts A, B, and C through Schoology
A) Finish the 3 pages of the class notes.
B) Assignment 3 handout (Smoking and Education) (see Ch. 3 example problems for hints)
C) Complete the investigative task Independence/Association in Real World Data on a separate paper. Reference 6 Month Safety and Efficacy Report and Appendix or FBI Crime Data
D) Read Ch. 1-3 of your book in preparation for quiz next Th/Fri.
CDC COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios, Infection fatality rate analysis
Protection and Waning of Natural and Hybrid Immunity to SARS-CoV-2
CDC Update: Summary of Guidance for Minimizing the Impact of COVID-19
Excess mortality attributed to heat and cold (improper scaling of graph)

08/20,21 Tue/Wed Day  1) Why AP Statistics? What to expect from the course and your teacher.  Get a taste of statistics being utilized in a real-world setting. Discuss AP Test expectations. Learn to describe data in its context. Investigate types of variables.
Assignment 1:
A) Complete the Green Sheet and AP Statistics Course and Exam Guide scavenger hunt in Schoology.
B) complete both sides of the class notes, including the problems on page 2 if you didn't finish during classtime. Then upload a multipage pdf of pages 1 and 2 of the notes.
Consider:  Genius Scan, Cam Scanner, etc.
C) Read Chapters 1 and 2 of your book.  If you don’t have a book, a digital copy is available in Schoology.

08/19 Mon. Day 0 Introduction to AP Statistics (45 min. class)
Organization of course resources, class structure, resources.
0A - Assignment 0: also posted in Schoology with links
A) Discover The Joy of Stats, complete the Edpuzzle in the Day 0 folder.
B) Begin reading Chapters 1 and 2.


AP Statistics Assignments