Algebra: Use math to model the world.
Then use inverse opperations to get an answer.
Common Core: Teach by discovery when applicable and incorporate multiple modalities.
Students can demonstrate real world applications.
Key Concepts: Algebra
I Alg.2/Trig. Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Desmos Graphing Calculator
Equations of Lines Chart, Factoring Flowchart, Solving Quadratic Equations Flowchart
Solving exponential and log equations.
Algebraic Transformations Guide Graphing Polynomial Functions with the TI 84
Free Online Version of our Book
Key Concepts for
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Review Problems for Final Exam Answer Keys for Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
1/22 Day 9) Review for Chapter 6 Test tomorrow.
Assignment 9:
1) finish problems 1-20 of the practice test.
Jason or the guest teacher will pass out page 3 (it is in the small brown file cabinet)
2) you may also find this review helpful Review of exponents and logs
1/18 Day 8) Algebraic Fractions Algebra 1 Review (Intro to Chapter 7).
Review for Chapter 6 Test next Wednesday.
Assignment 8:
1) finish both sides of the Algebraic Fractions Algebra 1 Review if you didn't in class.
2) Complete problems 1-12 of the practice test.
The answer to Challeng Question #3
1/15 Day 7) Given two points, write exponential and log equations.
Assignment 7:
1) finish both sides of the class handout.
1/14 Day 6) Carbon Dating.
Assignment 6:
1) finish both sides of the class handout.
1/13 Day 5) Section 6.6 Solving exponential and log equations.
Assignment 5:
1) pages 338-339 / 5-39odd,43,45,52,54,58.
1/11 Day 4) MATHO (Bingo). Section 6.6 Solving exponential and log equations.
Assignment 4:
1) complete the examples on the flowchart.
2) complete the 4 questions on the back of the flowchart.
3) Make quiz corrections on your quiz.
1/09 B_Day 3) Quiz on Sections 6.1 to 6.4. Section 6.5 Properties of Logarithms
Assignment 3: Examples
pages 331-332 / 9-12, 14-20, 25-36, 42. (use your notes and these examples for help.)
1/08 Day 2) Section 6.3 Logarithms continued. Transformations of Logarithms.
Assignment 2: #42 explanation and graph
1) Finish pages 2 and 3 of the class handouts.
2) page 315 / 35-40,45-53odd.
3) page 323 / 39-42,47,48,53.
4) Review for Quiz next class on Sections 6.1 to 6.4.
Monday 1/07 Day 1) Section 6.3 Logarithms
Assignment 1:
1) pages 314-315 / 1-25odd,26,27,30,34,56,58,65.
The last day to turn in make-up work (abs. or inc.) is Friday 12/14. No exceptions.
12/14 Day 63) Review for Final Exam Ch. 5
Assignment 62: Keys for Chapters 5
1) Chapter 5 Review pages 1-3 even numbers.
2) Bring your organized, stappled Ch. 1-5 to the final exam.
12/12 Day 62) Review for Final Exam Ch. 3 and 4
Assignment 62: Keys for Chapters 3, 4
1) Chapter 3 Review pages 5-6 even numbers.
2) Chapter 4 Review pages 1-3 even numbers.
Study for the final exam. Be sure to review the Key Concepts for
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
12/11 Day 61) Review for Final Exam Ch. 2 and 3
Assignment 61: Keys for Chapters 1, 2
1) Chapter 2 Review pages 3-4 even numbers.
2) Chapter 3 Review pages 1-2 even numbers.
Study for the final exam. Be sure to review the Key Concepts for
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
12/10 Day 60) Review for Final Exam Ch. 1 and 2
Assignment 60:
1) Chapter 1 Review pages 1-4 even numbers.
2) Chapter 2 Review pages 1-2 even numbers.
Study for the final exam. Be sure to review the Key Concepts for
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
12/07 Day 59) Section 6.4 Transformations of exponential growth
Assignment 59:
1) pages 322-324 / 3-7,11,13,14,19,23,35-38,45-46.
12/05 Day 58) Section 6.2 The Natural Base e. Investigate continuos compounding.
Assignment 58:
1) pages 307-308 / 4-12even,15,20,22,23-29,35,36,41-43.
2) Do Chapter 5 test corrections.
Understanding the number e and e is everywhere
12/04 Day 57) Section 6.1 Exponential Growth and Decay continued. Implications for Global Population Growth.
Assignment 57:
1) pages 301-302 / 29-31, 37, 45-47, 52(1st solve for r)
12/03 Day 56) Explore "The Greatest Shortcoming of the Human Race."
Section 6.1 Exponential Growth and Decay
Assignment 56:
1) pages 300-301 / 1-15odd, 19-21, 24,25.
11/30 Day 55) Test on Chapter 5.
Assignment 55:
1) none but check your grade and make up any absent work (abs or inc on grade report)
11/28 Day 54) Review for Friday's test on Chapter 5.
Assignment 54:
1) complete pages 3 and 4 of the practice test.
2) complete the relay questions for extra credit on the Chapter 5 test.
11/27 Day 53) Review for Friday's test on Chapter 5.
Assignment 53:
1) complete both sides of the practice test, pages 1 and 2.
11/26 Day 52) Section 5.6 Inverse of a Function
Assignment 52:
1) pgs 281-284 / 1-3,9,11,15,18,22,24,26,31-34,35-39odd,40,49,51,55-58,60,63 (63c without graphing. The point in common will be where on the graph?) (graph red questions)
11/21 Day 51) Quiz Sections 5.1-5.5
Assignment 51:
1) do a few of the practice problems on the handout if you want to.
11/19 Day 50) Section 5.5
Assignment 50:
1) pgs 273-274 / 3,5,7-11odd,15,16,17-19,26,27 (bold = use DESMOS)
2) Study for small quiz on Wednesday (Sections 5.1-5.5)
11/16 Day 49) Simplifying nth roots and absolute value answers. Section 5.4 Solving Radical Equations. .
Assignment 49:
1) pgs 2266-268 / 5-9odd,12-14,19,21,25,33,34,39,41,47,53b,57,58.
11/14 Day 48) Review last test. Real World Radicals! (Tsunami and Pedestrian Safety) Section 5.3 Graphing Radical Functions.
Assignment 47:
1) Calculating the speed
of a Tsunami.
Check out the following Tsunami Links to answer the questions
Lots of infomation
and very good animation of the Indian Ocean Tsunami.
1. Describe the tsunami animation (what does it remind you of?).
2. What are some Tsunami warning signs?
3. In the Indian Ocean Tsunami which country suffered the 3rd
largest number of fatalities?
The Speed and Physics and
of Tsunami
4. What is the formula for the speed of a Tsunami and why does
it travel faster in the open ocean?
The average depth
of the Indian Ocean and distance
from the epicenter.
5. Find the speed of the Tsunami based on the average depth
of the Indian Ocean and estimate the time it would take the Tsunami to reach
Sumatra 160km, Sri Lanka 1700km, and Somalia 5000km.
Information from NOAA
/ International Tsunami Information Center
6. List 4 other major tsunamis and their dates (explore link above or do your own search)
2) complete the pedestrian safety investigation
3) pgs 256-258 / see handout.
Calculating Speed from Tire Skid Marks
Pedestrian Safety App
11/13 Day 47) Section 5.2 Properties of Rational Exponents and Radicals.
Algebra 1 review: Exponents and Polynomials games (try wordshoot), exponent review, as well as Radical Rules.
Assignment 47:
1) pgs 248-249 / 3-19odd,25-27,33,36,39,41,42,49-63odd,64.
11/09 Day 46) Begin Chapter 5. Section 5.1 nth Rooths and Rational Exponents
Assignment 46:
1) pgs 241-242 / 9,13,14,16,17,19-43odd, 47,48,49.
11/07 Day 45) Chapter 4 Test
Assignment 45:
1) None.
11/06 Day 44) Review for the Chapter 4 Test
Assignment 44:
1) Complete both the handout Part 3 review for Chapter 4 Test
2) Study for next Wednesday's Chapter 4 Test. Warning, there will be a graphing calculator portion on the test. We will be practicing tomorrow but you can also watch this to review: Graphing Polynomial Functions with the TI 84
11/05 Day 43) Review for the Chapter 4 Test
Assignment 43:
1) Complete both sides of the handout Part 2 review for Chapter 4 Test
2) Study for next Wednesday's Chapter 4 Test. Warning, there will be a graphing calculator portion on the test. We will be practicing tomorrow but you can also watch this to review: Graphing Polynomial Functions with the TI 84
11/02 Day 42) Review for the Chapter 4 Test
Assignment 42:
1) Complete both sides of the handout Part 1 review for Chapter 4 Test
Hint for Questions 17 and 18 - If you had to factor it completely you would probably have to use the (blank) to list the possible solutions.
2) Begin studying for next Wednesday's Chapter 4 Test
10/31 Day 41) Review Graphs of Polynomial Functions.
Assignment 41:
1) Complete the class challenge activity
2) pgs 226-227 / 1,2,6,11,12,13,16,17,19,20,21,22.
10/30 Day 40) Section 4.8 Analyzing Graphs of Polynomial Functions.
Graphing Polynomial Functions with the TI 84
Assignment 40:
1) pg 203 / 43,45 (do with TI 84 Graphing Calculator)
2) pg 210 / 31
(do with TI 84 Graphing Calculator)
3) pgs 216-218 / 1-6,(7,8,10 graph w/o calculator - use roots and y int), (15,16 just describe don't graph), (22, 25, 26 use graphing calculator or desmos).
10/29 Day 39) Section 4.7 Transformations
Assignment 39:
1) pgs. 209-210 / 1,4,5,7-10,15,16,20,22-26,28,36,38,39. (graph)
10/26 Day 38) Section 4.6 The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
Assignment 38:
1) pgs. 202-204 / 5-10,17-20,23-26.
10/24 B_Day 37) Quiz Sections 4.1-4.4 Section 4.5 Solving Polynomial Equations
Assignment 37:
1) pgs. 194-196 / 4,6,12,14,16,20,22,24,26,34,41,44,51,56.
10/23 Day 36) More on Section 4.4 Factoring Polynomials. Prepare for Quiz next class on Sections 4.1-4.4 Review end behavior and graphs of different polynomials (odd/even etc)
Assignment 36:
1) pgs. 185-186 / 51-54,57-62,66,72,74.
2) Review for Quiz next class on Sections 4.1-4.4
10/22 Day 35) Section 4.4 Factoring Polynomials. Start by reviewing Factoring Flowchart.
Assignment 35:
1) continuing on A34 complete pgs. 177-178 / 38,39,40.
2) new A35 pgs. 184-186 / 1,4-9,13,16,19,23,25,27,31,33,35,39,41,45-47.
10/19 Day 34) Section 4.3 Dividing Polynomials.
Assignment 34: Key
1) pgs. 177-178 / 1,3,8,11,14,17,23,27,28,33.
10/17 Day 33) Section 4.2 Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying Polynomials. Polynomial Long Division (see Algebra 1 Key Concpepts for hints)
Assignment 33:
1) pgs. 170-172 / 5,9,14,18,22,27,37,38,44,45,52,54,56,62,63.
2) Finisht the problems on page 2 of the class handout (Polynomial Long Division).
10/16 Day 32) Section 4.1 Graphing Polynomial Functions. What is/isn't a polynomial. End behavior. Graphing using intercepts and increasing/decreasing.
Assignment 32: Key
1) pgs. 162-164 / 1-2,5-7,11,17-22,37-39,43,48,49.
10/12 Day 31) Chapter 3 Test
Assignment 31:
1) Finish (if you didn't in class on Wed) Investigating Graphs of Polynomial Functions w/ Desmons graphing calculator.
10/10 B_Day 30) Review for Chapter 3 Test next class. Begin exploring graphs of Polynomial Equations
Assignment 30:
1) finish the practice test
2) Complete Investigating Graphs of Polynomial Functions w/ Desmons graphing calculator.
3) Prepare for test on Friday - all of Chapter 3
10/09 Day 29) Quiz. Finish section 3.6 Quadratic Inequalities
Assignment 29:
1) pgs. 144-146 / 53 (do at end of A28).
2) complete pages 1&2 (problems 1-14) of the practice test
3) Prepare for test on Friday - all of Chapter 3
10/08 Day 28) Quiz. Finish section 3.6 Quadratic Inequalities
Assignment 28:
1) review your answers to A27
2) pgs. 144-145 / 45,48,50,51.
3) Prepare for test on Friday - all of Chapter 3
10/05 Day 27) Section 3.6 Quadratic Inequalities. Quiz next class
Assignment 27: Key
1) pgs. 144-145 / 3-7all,13,21,27-33odd,43,44.
2) Prepare for quiz on Monday - Sections 3.1-3.5 (Days 21-26)
10/03 B_Day 26) Quadratic Motion Lab
Assignment 26:
1) finish page 2 [some useful equations: horizontal velocity = distance/time, (initial) vertical velocity = 32ft/sec^2 * time to peak, Peak Height = (initial vertical velocity / 2) * time]
2) finish page 3 of the handout - "Maximum Distance" Flight Model
page 3 hints: 1. solve for a using intercept form then write the equation in intercept form. 2. once you plot your points to make the graph check your equation and graph with DESMOS. 4. plug in 8 for y and solve for x with the quadratic formula and a calculator.
10/02 Day 25) Section 3.4 Using the Quadratic Formula
Assignment 25: Key
1) pgs. 136-138 / 1,11-16,19,33,34,49,50,51,55,57.
10/01 Day 24) Section 3.4 Using the Quadratic Formula
Assignment 24: Key
1) pgs. 127-129 / 1-4, 5-18 (don't solve, just state best method)
09/28 Day 23) How to write quadratic equations in vertex form.
Assignment 23: Key
1) pgs. 108-110 / 31,32,41,43,51,53,55,59,66,67,68,69,71,73,77.
2) pgs.
116-118 / 25,33,46,48,55,56,60,61,63,66,67,68.
09/26 Day 22) Introduction to Chapter 3 Quadratic Equations. Take a trip to Squaresville. Radical Rules. Evolve to deal with the square root of negative numbers.
Assignment 22: Key
1) Finish side 2 of the factoring review using the Factoring Flowchart
2) Complete both sides of A22 Radical Review and How to solve quadratics review.
3) pgs. 99-102 / 15,17,19,23,27,29,31,32,43,44,47,52,61,64
4) pgs.
108-110 / 5-14all,23,24.
09/25 Day 21) Test on Chapter 2. Introduction to Chapter 3 Quadratic Equations.
Assignment 21:
1) Complete side 1 of the factoring review handout based on these notes.
2) Complete the notes at the top of side 2 of the factoring review handout based on these notes.
3) Complete side 2 numbers 1 and 2 showing the five steps from side 1.
(we will do side 2 numbers 3-9 in class on Wednesday)
09/24 Day 20) Review for Ch. 2 Test Tuesday.
Assignment 20:
1) Complete the Practice Test (due Tuesday) come in during tutorial on Tuesday with questions. We will not have time to review prior to taking the test in class.
09/21 Day 19) Review for Ch. 2 Test next Tuesday.
Assignment 19:
1) Complete at least half of the Practice Test (due Tuesday)
09/19 B_Day 18) Quiz on Chapter 2 . Finish Section 2.4 Writing the equations of parabolas given 3 points.
Assignment 18:
1) Complete the investigation on sides 1 and 2 of the class handout.
pgs 80-82 / 25
3) pgs 84-86 / 1-17
4) Review for Chapter 2 test next Tuesday.
09/18 Day 17) Section 2.4 Writing the equations of parabolas given A) vertex and a point ...B) x-ntercepts and a point.
Assignment 17:
1) Complete the investigation on sides 1 and 2 of the class handout.
pgs 80-82 / 2,3,7,9,13,17,19,29-32 (you don't need to write the equation), 33,36.
3) prepare for small quiz on Wednesday (Chapter 2 Days 12-17).
09/17 Day 16) Section 2.4 Modeling real world situations. Investigate 1st and 2nd differences.
Assignment 16:
1) Complete the investigation on sides 1 and 2 of the class handout.
pg 80 / 5, 11. (see example 1 and 2 for guidance)
3) prepare for small quiz on Wednesday.
FYI: hammer and feather on moon and in a vacuum. Free Tracker software
09/14 Day 15) Section 2.3 Utilizing the Latus Rectum. Horizontal Parabolas.
Assignment 15:
1) Complete the investigation on side 1 of the class handout.
on the back of the handout complete pgs 72-74 / 15-17,24,27-31,37,43,45.
09/12 Day 14) Section 2.3 Focus of Parabola
New definition of parabola
Does the function have a max or min? Where is it increasing or decreasing.
Assignment 14:
pgs 61-64 / 59,69,73,78.
pgs 72-74 / 1,3,11,13,19,23,25,26,33,34,39-42,48,54
09/11 Day 13) Section 2.2 Characteristics of Quadratic Functions.
Three ways to write quadratics and the axis of symmetry for each.
Does the function have a max or min? Where is it increasing or decreasing.
Assignment 13:
pgs 61-64 / 1,5,7,15-18,24,40,41,49,51,55,57.
09/10 Day 12) Algebra 1 Quadratic Equation Review: Graphing, roots/solutions/x-intercepts, how many solutions?, vertical motion problems, modeling the Golden Gate Bridge.
Section 2.1 Transformations of Quadratic Functions
Assignment 12:
1) complete the class handout
pgs 51-54 / 9, 13-16, 21, 23, 27-33odd, 35-40, 45.
09/07 Day 11) Test on Chapter 1.
Assignment 11:
1) none
09/05 B_Day 10) Study for Friday's Test on Chapter 1. Play transformation review game.
Assignment 10:
1) complete the practice for Friday's Test on Chapter 1
2) Study for Friday's Test on Chapter 1 (review your quiz, notes, and assignments)
09/04 Day 9) Finish Section 1.4 Systems of Linear Equations and begin review for Friday's Test on Chapter 1.
Assignment 9:
1) pgs. 38-41 / 5-9, 11-13, 15.
2) Study for Friday's Test on Chapter 1 (review your quiz, notes, an assignments)
08/31 Day 8) Explore Line of Best Fit and Section 1.4 Systems of Linear Equations
Assignment 8:
1) complete the class handout
2) pgs 34-35 / 1,2,14,16,18,20.
08/29 B_Day 7) Explore Line of Best Fit and Section 1.3 Modeling with Linear Functions
Assignment 7:
Done together in class: 1) in library go to and
type in the class code 5Z3FS8
... for your name put seat number, first, last initial for example: 93 Johnny I.
2) after finishing the line of best fit investigation continue the Section 1.3 problems:
pgs. 26-28 / 3,5,7,8,9,10,13,17,26,29,30,35,37.
3) Study for a small quiz on Friday (problems from the homework with the nubers changed)
08/28 Day 6) Section 1.2 Transformations
Assignment 6: Key
1) Review the Transformations Guide and examples in the book.
2) pgs 16-18 / 1,3-5,10-13,16-19,23-29,35,42,43. (use Desmos if you need a graphing calculator to check your work)
Explanation for the confusion around number 29:
1) the answer in your book, | 1/2 x - 1 |, is wrong. The correct answer is | 1/2 x - 2 | .
2) -2 is the correct answer because the question specified translation followed by stretch. With our transformation guide t(x) = af(b(x-h))+k we stretch then translate.
08/27 Day 5) Section 1.1 Parent Functions and Transformations
Assignment 5: Key
1) Study the Algebraic Transformations Guide.
2) on the class hand out complete pgs 8-10 / 9-13,21,22,25,26,32,33,34,38, 45,47,49,50,51,61,62. (use Desmos if you need a graphing calculator to check your work)
08/24 Day 4) Continue Function Review. Average rate of change.
Assignment 3:
1) Complete the class handout.
08/22 B_Day 3) Explore Transformations of Parent Graphs.
Assignment 3:
1) Complete Parent Functions Graphs.
2) in the computer lab go to and
type in the class code 3E73EH
... for your name put seat number, first, last initial for example: 93 Johnny I.
... When finished go to and
type in the class code ZW6MPY
... for your name put seat number, first, last initial for example: 93 Johnny I.
3) after finishing the transformation investigations on the computer get the handout and finish the problems on the front and back.
Day 2) Continue Function Review. Interval notation for domain and range.
Assignment 2:
1) Complete Faceing Math Sides 1 and 2. It isn't a big deal if you don't have the correct colors. Just mark the correct answer (a or b) on your paper and do the best you can.
Optional extra practice: Examples for practicing interval notation
08/20 Day 1) Intro to Mr. Iams and Algebra II Trigonometry. Function Review
Assignment 1:
1) Do you best to complete sides 1 and 2 of the Functions Review handout.
2) Bring in your signed Green sheet.